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1.5 Directions & Applications

A. Implications for Abusive Relations

An Abusive Cycle: No conversion

Because of the idea of time-density, the cycle tends to dominate the linear dimension. Hence with the idea of linear time comes the idea of instantaneous conversion. A big enough event can change someone's direction with a direct hit, sending the convertee into another positive direction. If time were experienced in only a linear fashion, this idea would work. Instantaneous conversion would be a reality. Unfortunately the instantaneous conversion occurs at only one point on the cycle, possibly changing the density of this point in the cycle, but leaving unaffected the rest of the cycle with its own density. So the husband beats his wife Saturday night – experiences genuine remorse on Sunday morning – then beats her the following Saturday night – followed by the experience of genuine remorse again on Sunday. Those who only believe in linear time, think that perhaps the man is faking his remorse, when in actuality he is merely following his cycle with its particular time density, which includes the abuse, the remorse, and the repentance. If an event only occurs once, no time density is built up, but when it occurs again and again, the density builds. The remorse, repentance, and begging for forgiveness are all part of the cycle but have no connection with the abuse. Because we move through time in a linear fashion, the abused tends to view the remorse as connected with the abuse, when in actuality it is only a stage on the cycle. Also because time is not fixed but is elastic, the cycle doesn't necessarily have the same fixed length of time. One stage follows the next but not necessarily in the same time frame.


It is just like vomiting. The temperature rises – a feeling of extreme discomfort also rises – the vomiting occurs – followed by the extreme sense of relief and the temperature drop, maybe even chills. After a distinct period of time the cycle repeats itself. The relief after vomiting was directly related to the cycle and totally unrelated to religious, mental, or physical conversion. Without the vomiting there is no relief. Without the abuse there is no relief, no remorse, no conversion. Possibly just like vomiting, the abuse pattern can be attenuated, but the agitation will arise with the following abuse, just as the vomiting will always come again in the 24-hour flu. Possibly the abuser has been abused as a child, which set up their own time density with its own momentum.

Make-up/Break-up cycle

Is there no hope? Of course there is. But it has nothing to do with the remorse after the abuse. This feels good and if anything encourages the abuse cycle. The abuse occurs, physical or emotional, the fight, then comes the reconciliation, the break-up, make-up cycle. Making up feels so good, that it inspires the abuser to break up again so that they can make up. Perhaps the abuse results from the low self-esteem. 'I don't deserve to be liked. Anyone who likes me is lying and must be tested. I will be really awful to them. Then they will forgive me. And I will feel so good. My father would wallop me. Then we would make up and feel so much better afterwards. I love the Make-up Break-up cycle.'

Breaking the Cycle or Damping the Swing

The main way of breaking the cycle is to damp it all the way along. Don't encourage the Make-up after the Break-up. Try to damp the agitation. Putting a lot of energy into the Make-up furthers and accentuates the cycle. Pushing the swing one way does not slow the swing down going the other way. As a matter of fact, the harder one pushes at the apex the further the swing comes back. So the immediate Make-up should be discouraged as much as possible to discourage and damp the whole cycle. Any part of the cycle should be damped as much as possible.

Even the outrage and fury need to be redirected

If there is outrage, anger and fury it should not be directed at the abusive individual. This is part of the abusive cycle. The abused yells obscenities and it feels good to the abuser because internally they feel, 'I'm no good. I deserve to be yelled at.' Then in their cycle they will recreate the same cycle again so that they can 'get what they deserve' and then be forgiven for it. So any part of the cycle needs to be damped in order to kill the whole cycle. Anything that resists the cycle only gives it more energy. The Abuser thrives off the tension and is excited by the 'realness' of the emotional responses. 'You must care because you are mad.' So the anger, rage and frustration should be channeled into damping, neutralizing the cycle rather than 'giving the rat what he deserves', because this is what he wants. The Abuser wants to be punished for wrong doing because 'he is no good.' He will misbehave again in order to be punished because this is the cycle.

B. Implications for the Creative Life or Each Moment of Time is Golden

Linear Time

There are many implications for the Creative Life from the notions of time density and momentum explored above. Because each bit of temporal data creates its own time momentum one must pay attention to each bit of time. Under the concept of linear time, each moment only has momentum in a linear direction. One moment influences the next but has no influence on tomorrow or next week. Major events are important because their amplitude is so big that they influence many moments in the near future, which ripple on into the future. With the linear notion of time, major events change our lives and turn us in another direction. See Diagram below.

The Big events, B & C, change A's TimeLine, to move A in another direction.

Spiral Time Density

With the idea of spiral time density, each moment has at least two aspects of momentum, which connects naturally to the next moment, as in linear time, but more importantly it has a cyclical momentum, which has an effect on the next moment in the Time Cycle. In other words, what one does at 8AM on Monday morning has an effect upon the next Monday morning, which if similar has an even greater effect upon the following Monday morning. Probably what one does on Saturday night will have much less of an effect upon Monday morning, except in the linear sense. If the subject gets drunk Saturday night and gets sick, it will affect his Monday morning in a linear fashion. But the Monday morning cycle is so dominant that the subject must be very sick to miss his Monday morning cycle. If the person misses Monday morning and there are no linear repercussions, i.e. getting fired, not having enough money, he has created a time density for staying home Monday morning, which has its own momentum. So each moment of time is critically important, because it has so much momentum in all of the temporal dimensions, of which I've mentioned four, i.e. day, week, month, and year, but there are as many as the number of time cycles we create. So wasted moments create wasted time momentum, not to say that we don't have the need for empty time.

Will & Time Density

It takes Will to change Time Density. Flowing causes one to augment existing Time Densities. Will changes the direction of Time Density. If there is a major event that changes a life, then Will must be exerted to effectively change time densities to enforce the Change. Without active Will the Big Event will be submerged in the pattern of Spiral Time Density. Flowing into destructive time patterns creates a negative time spiral. Willing into productive time patterns creates a positive time spiral. With each spiral, positive or negative, it becomes easier and easier to follow its direction as more and more time density is created by repetition. One actually becomes addicted to their Time Spirals. They acquire a Life of their own and cling to their existence. Whether the person watches TV three hours/day or writes three hours/day the sense of loss from the cessation of the activity will be similar. Each cycle of time density wants to grow. It is only Will that keeps it under control.

C. Notes on the Experimental Method

A Trivial but Practical Point

On the most trivial practical level this notebook showed that general time solutions, i.e. adding anonymous hours into a day, are ineffective ways of generating more creative time. Specific time solutions, however, can be effective. To increase creative time, hours must be added which can be used for creative time – a self-evident, but specific statement.


The purpose of this Notebook is to point in directions. A very casual experiment has a very interesting result, which leads to some interesting conclusions, which explain a lot of behavior from another viewpoint. The Experiment was not set up to test the theories set forth here; it only pointed in that direction. The experimental data is cursory at best. However the theory explains an innumerable number of behavioral situations. Also the theory makes many predictions, which go counter to traditional behavior patterns. The results are counter-intuitive. The theories presented herein, are another way of looking at behavioral data. The experimental results are little unsubstantiated grains but they open the door to another universe. Be my guest and step inside.

More Blabberings about method

The first stage in the scientific method is Observation. This notebook is only at that stage. We are merely reporting some casual observations We then explore some theories explaining these observations. These series of Notebooks however set up a basis for a novel approach to these behavioral issues.

So many thoughts so little time to put them down.


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